Sound Health

Top 10 Simple Methods to Stimulate Vagus Nerve Function for Wellbeing

Mar 23, 2023

The vagus nerve: How to use your body's built in stress reliever

Did you know that stimulating your vagus nerve can help reduce stress?

Stimulating the vagus nerve has been found to be a...

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What Is Brain Humming?

Mar 20, 2023

What Is Brain Humming?

Brain humming is a simple technique that involves using your body's own “built-in” ability to relax and clear your mind—using the power of sound. 


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The Power of Frequency Healing - Simple Tips & Techniques

Mar 19, 2023

People everywhere crave the fantastic feeling that music provides.

That's why today I want to tell you about a potent way to use music's essential building block to boost your overall...

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Introduction to Healing with Sound: A Comprehensive Guide

Mar 03, 2023

In this guide you'll explore:

What is Healing with Sound?

6 different types of sound healing modalities

The researched benefits of healing with sound

Sound healing exercises, instruments and...

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Healing the Body with Frequencies: The Basics Explained

Feb 05, 2023

FAQ on Frequency Healing and Sound for Healing

What is frequency healing?

Frequency healing, often termed as "sound healing" or "vibrational healing", is a therapeutic approach that uses sound...

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Quiet Your Racing Thoughts with Music-Based Mindfulness

Dec 30, 2022

Mindfulness is an important tool for promoting mental health and well-being, and integrating music into your practice can help you relax and de-stress. In this article, we’ll explore the...

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Six of These Per Minute Can Improve Heart Health

Dec 24, 2022

Use this quick exercise to eradicate stress

Lately I’ve come across a lot of research touting the heart benefits of a specific technique that’s seemingly taking the alternative health...

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The Five Longevity Secrets of “SuperAgers”

Dec 01, 2022

I’ve had a few major health scares in my life.

But they’ve gifted me with a deep awareness and gratitude for each moment I have here on this earth.

My experiences have deeply affected...

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U.K. Doctors are Saving Lives by Curing Loneliness

Sep 06, 2022

We all feel lonely from time to time. But for some people, there’s nothing “occasional” about it. In the U.S., over a third of Americans over 45 report feeling lonely on a regular...

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How Stroke Patients Can Use Music to Boost Recovery

Sep 02, 2022

We both know that music is a powerful force for healing.

Today, I want to share some exciting ways it’s being used to aid stroke victims in their recovery.

A recent study from the...

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