Sound Health

Can This Sound Help Lower Blood Pressure?

Sep 02, 2022

If you currently have high blood pressure, or are right on the borderline, there’s a good chance your doctor will pull out their prescription pad—if they haven’t already.


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Improve This Very Moment by "Pressing Pause"

Sep 02, 2022

 A simple strategy for leading a more meaning life

Even after years of teaching people how to manage stress, I’m not immune to feeling its effects from time to time. 

I still...

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How Stress is Shrinking Your Brain

Sep 01, 2022

The good news is, you CAN reverse it…

If you’ve been following my work for some time, you know how serious I am about making stress reduction a top priority. 

Countless studies...

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How Simply “Living in the Moment” Adds Years to Your Life

Sep 01, 2022

A Few “Mindful Minutes” a Day Can Transform Your Health

One of my favorite quotes is a Buddhist saying: “The past is gone; the future is not yet here.”

It’s a pretty...

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Try This On Your Next Walk and Transform Your Health

Aug 31, 2022

The super easy walking relaxation trick anyone can do!

I make a point to walk as often as I can. And when I do, I often let my mind wander. 

Occasionally a good idea for a song will come to...

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Rain Sounds For Sleep, Rest Easy With Nature

Aug 02, 2022

I made something for you to try tonight, especially if you aren't resting well.

It's 10+ hours of uninterrupted rain sounds for sleep. For your convenience, this is a "black screen video"...

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Vagus Nerve Exercises for Stress and Anxiety Relief

Jul 17, 2022

Learn how to treat stress and anxiety naturally with these 8 easy exercises

If you’ve been experiencing more stress and anxiety as of late, you’re not alone.

According to the American...

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Music Healing for Stress, Anxiety and Pain

Jun 12, 2022

Healing is the process of becoming well or "whole" again.

And truly becoming well in mind and body may involve multiple strategies depending on your specific challenge.

That’s why I want to...

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11 Reasons to Start Drumming for Better Health

Jun 04, 2022

Drumming is an ancient art form that has been popular for thousands of years for its therapeutic effects. There are a variety of health benefits associated with drumming, from calming stress and...

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Can You Become A Super-Ager?

May 31, 2022

Is 100 really the new 70?

For a “cognitive super-ager” the answer is yes.

The term super-ager is used to describe a person nearing the end of the human lifespan with the mental...

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