Sound Health

How Sound Can Protect Your Brain from Dementia

Jun 27, 2024

Dementia is a growing concern as we age, but what if the solution to keeping your brain sharp could be as simple as listening to your favorite tunes? Sound, particularly through music listening,...

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How Vibration ‘Clears the Path’ To Better Memory

May 09, 2024

It was about this time two years ago when a really a strange thing happened to me…

I was almost finished with my weekly Sunday trip to the grocery store.

And as I walked back to my car, full...

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How the Soundtrack of Your Youth Can Save Your Brain

Dec 06, 2023

The year was 1982. I was 14 years old, preparing for the big junior high dance.

I put on my best button-down shirt from Jamesway and popped the collar, then wiped the mud off my red high top...

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The Ancient 12-Minute Technique That Can Halt Early Onset Alzheimer’s

Dec 01, 2023

It’s no secret that our society is experiencing a growing epidemic of neurodegenerative diseases.

In fact, the Alzheimer’s Association estimates that one person develops the disease...

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How Stimulating The Vagus Nerve Can Protect Your Brain

Nov 12, 2023

As the years pass, you might be growing more and more concerned about declining brain function.

And with the dramatic rise of Alzheimer’s rates, it’s no wonder…

According to...

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Here's How to Clear Brain Fog and Energize Your Mind

Oct 17, 2023

We've all been there…

You walk into a room only to forget what you needed…or maybe you find yourself a few pages into a book and realize you absorbed very little of what you just...

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Essential Oils and Memory Boost: Scent's Surprising Role in Boosting Memory

Aug 09, 2023

A pleasing scent wafting through the rooms of older adults at night could hold the key to unlocking better memories, according to a recent study conducted by neuroscientists. The findings...

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Use Your “Creativity Muscle” to Live Long and Happy

Aug 01, 2023

I want you to exercise your creativity.

I want you to exercise your BRAIN.

Regularly...and over and over.

Try something outrageous. 


Play and instrument (like a drum!).


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How Stroke Patients Can Use Music to Boost Recovery

Sep 02, 2022

We both know that music is a powerful force for healing.

Today, I want to share some exciting ways it’s being used to aid stroke victims in their recovery.

A recent study from the...

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How Stress is Shrinking Your Brain

Sep 01, 2022

The good news is, you CAN reverse it…

If you’ve been following my work for some time, you know how serious I am about making stress reduction a top priority. 

Countless studies...

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