Sound Health

PODCAST: The Science of Feeling Safe with Polyvagal Theory - Dr. Stephen Porges

Nov 23, 2021

Receive unlimited access to my entire library of vagus nerve stimulation exercises and sound based wellness courses for less than $9/mo! 

 Simply click here to...

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1 Random Act of Kindness, 1x Per Week, for 1 Month... Who's In?

Nov 17, 2021

Here’s Something Worth Spreading... 

Just last week, a complete stranger made my day.

I was waiting in line at the drive-through of my local coffee shop. And to be honest, I was feeling...

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Is Stress Shrinking Your Brain?

Nov 17, 2021

The "brain dangers" of de-prioritizing yourself—and what to do about it

Between work, your family, and the other priorities in your life, some days you might feel like your “tank is on...

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A Simple Drum Changed Jack’s Life That Night

Nov 01, 2021

As 2020 winds down, many of us are starting to think about all of the potential 2021 holds.

A new year signifies a fresh start… a “reset” of sorts. And with that in mind,...

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Your Body’s Built-in Depression Fighter

Oct 28, 2021

Depression affects over 300 million people worldwide. And chances are, you’ve been affected by it in some way.

But whether you, or a loved one, have struggled—or is...

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How Learning to "Press Pause" Changed My Life

Oct 25, 2021

Even after years of teaching people how to manage stress, I’m not immune to feeling its effects from time to time.

I encounter times where I neglect to rest and recharge my internal...

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How to Trick Your Brain Into Falling Asleep

Sep 15, 2021

Do you find yourself lying awake at night, unable to fall asleep? Fortunately, there are some tricks you can use to help your brain transition into sleep mode. From mindfulness techniques to...

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Unusual Ways Sound Can Help You Heal

Sep 13, 2021

Are you willing to try something a little different?

Bear with me here… I’ll explain more in just a moment.

I’d like you to start by placing your palms over your heart. One hand...

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Try These Two Tricks to Ease Screen-Related Eyestrain Fast

Sep 13, 2021

The Hidden Consequence of Living in The Information Age

Today, the average American adult consumes about five times more information than adults 50 years ago. 

Advances in technology have...

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