Sound Health

Planning for Your Post-Pandemic Life

Mar 23, 2021

Travel into the future with me for just a moment…

It’s a warm summer evening and you’re laughing and making memories with the people you care about the most in person.

It's safe...

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Why Sound is World's the Most Overlooked Healing Tool

Mar 09, 2021

I believe sound is the most overlooked healing tool in modern medicine… but hopefully not for long.

The good news is, mainstream medicine is finally waking up to the benefits of...

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How stroke victims are using music to speed up their recovery

Mar 01, 2021

As I often say, music is a powerful force for healing.

Today, I want to share how it’s being used to aid stroke victims in their recovery.

A recent study from the University of Helsinki in...

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Create More Happiness This Year Using Your "Happy Chemicals"

Feb 10, 2021

Let’s face it… We could all use a little happiness boost these days.

2020 has been so disorienting and stressful that truly feeling happy can feel downright impossible at times.

But I...

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Are These Everyday Sounds Harming Your Heart?

Feb 10, 2021

It’s my mission to teach you about all the ways sound works to improve your health. I feel it’s also my responsibility to educate you about how sound can be harmful, too.


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The Secret Behind Sound’s Healing Powers

Feb 09, 2021


Typically, you’ll reach for a Band-Aid whenever you get a nick, scrape, or cut.

Obviously, a Band-Aid can’t heal your injury—but it can stop the bleeding and protect your...

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11 Surprising Health Benefits of Rhythm

Feb 09, 2021

Since the dawn of human civilization mankind has been drumming and dancing.

If you study indigenous cultures—from the past to the present—you'll easily find common threads of rhythm...

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How Laughter Really IS Medicine

Jan 31, 2021


Some of my most cherished childhood memories involve laughing with my dad.

I can vividly remember his uncontrollable laughter as we watched the comedic genius of Robin Williams and Jonathan...

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The Best Tool to Help Shed Those Extra "Quarantine Pounds"

Jan 31, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted life as we know it. And all this extra time spent at home and outside of our routines has made it very easy to gain weight. (Some people are calling it the...

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Is Your Music Hurting Your Pet?

Jan 31, 2021

Today I want to let you in on a disturbing finding every pet owner needs to know.

I’d like to start by telling you about my little dog, Merf.

He’s by far the most popular member...

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