Sound Health

How I Overcame My Intense Fear of Public Speaking (and Singing!)

Apr 21, 2021

Maybe you can relate to what I’m about to share today…

For most of my life, public speaking has been a huge challenge for me.

This may come as a surprise to some, especially...

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Retrain Your Lungs for Better Breathing

Apr 21, 2021

The latest research shows that boosting lung capacity is one of the best ways to protect yourself in the age of COVID-19.

So today I’ll tell you how to fortify your lung health with a few...

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Dr. David Burns Feeling Great: The Revolutionary New Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

Apr 18, 2021


Dr. David D. Burns is an internationally renowned psychiatrist and adjunct professor emeritus in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford University School of...

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How to Elicit Exquisite Peace of Mind On Demand

Apr 17, 2021

An interactive audio workshop with Jim Donovan



In this episode you'll discover:

How to use sound based vagus nerve stimulation exercises to bring your mind and body back into...

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3 Easy Strategies for Getting Deep, Rejuvenating Sleep

Apr 02, 2021

It’s no secret that getting consistent, high-quality sleep is essential for our health.

Unfortunately, as we live through a global pandemic, we are all facing a large amount of...

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Stressed or Anxious? Try H.A.L.T.I.

Apr 02, 2021

When in the midst of a high-stress, high-stakes mission, it’s crucial for Green Beret soldiers to maintain focus.

To do this, all Special Operations forces are trained to manipulate their...

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Eye Yoga? Try These Two Tricks to Ease Eye Strain Fast

Apr 02, 2021

Today, the average American adult consumes about five times more information than adults 50 years ago. 

Advances in technology have given us access to a world of information right at our...

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The Heart Healthy Benefits of Owning A Dog

Apr 02, 2021

My little buddy Merf—a silky terrier—is not only a source of daily joy, he even helped nurse me back to health during a surgery recovery a few years ago, never leaving my...

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The “Mind Release Switch” That Can Quiet Your Racing Thoughts

Mar 26, 2021

The ancient technique for peace of mind, any time

From time to time, I like to dedicate an article to answering questions from my readers. 


Here’s one I often get:



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Breathe Better with 60-Second Sinus Relief

Mar 23, 2021

For seasonal allergy sufferers, springtime can involve many more tissues than tulips.

As an allergy sufferer myself, I’ve tried nearly every remedy imaginable. For years, I’d reach for...

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