Sound Health

How Mouth Breathing is Destroying Your Health - Patrick McKeown [Podcast]

Dec 09, 2020

Jim talks with Patrick McKeown, President of Buteyko Professionals International and New York Times bestselling author of The Oxygen Advantage: The Simple, Scientifically Proven Breathing...

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Agents for Longevity Interview with Dr. Sandra Kaufmann [Podcast]

Dec 09, 2020

In this episode, Jim speaks with Dr. Sandra Kaufmann. Dr. Kaufmann received her medical degree from Johns Hopkins University and is the Chief of Pediatric Anesthesia at the Joe DiMaggio...

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The Doctor of the Future is the Patient – Dr. Sachin Patel. [Podcast]

Dec 09, 2020

Sachin Patel is a father, husband, philanthropist, speaker, author, and plant medicine advocate. He is the founder of The Living Proof Institute through which he pioneered a revolutionary approach...

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On Edge? Try These Anxiety "First-Aid" Remedies

Dec 06, 2020

If the intensity of the world has you feeling anxious—you’re not alone. Fear, uncertainty, and stress are completely normal reactions in the face of the urgent headlines we...

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The Surprising Habits of SuperAgers

Dec 06, 2020

Conventional medicine has always instilled in us that as you age, your memory is supposed to fade. But it doesn't have to be that way.

The fact is, there are people living among us—well...

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Access Your Body's Built-in "Fountain of Youth"

Dec 06, 2020

Aging is inevitable.

But thanks to some groundbreaking scientific revelations, it is indeed possible to slow aging—and even reverse some of the existing damage.

The secret to this...

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This Song Therapy Makes You Feel Better—Fast

Dec 05, 2020

Whether you need to de-stress, get motivated, or lift your mood, music has an almost magical ability to help you feel better.

The key is knowing how to use it therapeutically.

That’s why...

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How to Turn on Your Natural “Happiness Switch”

Dec 05, 2020


Take a moment to think about things that make you happy.

I’m sure the people in your life, pleasant experiences you’ve enjoyed, your achievements, and your passions come to...

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The 24-Second Solution for Stopping a Panic Attack

Dec 05, 2020

If you’ve ever had a panic attack, you know just how terrifying they can be.

The first time I had one, my heart felt like it was going to pound right out of my chest. I actually thought I was...

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The Powerful, Built-in Bodily System You Were Never Told About

Nov 28, 2020

Most of us were taught basic anatomy in school. You probably know all about most of the body’s major organs and systems.

So when I first learned of the vagus nerve, my mind was blown.

I had...

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