Sound Health

The 4-Minute Trick That Makes Bedtime a Breeze

Sep 07, 2021

All over the world, life as we know it has been transformed.

We’re “hunkering down,” adjusting, and are trying to make the best with what we’ve got.

Despite all the...

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Rediscovering Your Body's Self-Healing Design

Jul 18, 2021

It’s easy to take for granted what a remarkable “machine” your body is.

But every second of every day, it does incredible things. Cells continually regenerate, your lungs filter...

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Doubling Your Walk’s Health Benefits

Jul 17, 2021

I never thought I’d have to learn to walk again.

But after five life-saving operations in early 2019, that’s exactly what happened to me.

After nearly a dozen incisions in my abdomen...

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The Longevity Secret You Learned as a Baby (And That You Should Do Now!)

Jun 24, 2021

The brain-building effect of “crossing the line”

When it comes to aging, many people believe that their body, mind, and quality life will eventually just deteriorate.

But if you ask me,...

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What is Sound Healing?

Jun 20, 2021

Can Sound Be Used for Self Healing?

Despite their ancient origins, sound and vibration focused practices are finally being "rediscovered" by modern medicine and not a moment too soon!

Sound healing...

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How Music Helped My Dad Beat Cancer

Jun 20, 2021

Here's how we set my dad up with a restorative music regimen.

First, some good news.

My 77-year-old dad Ralph recently beat throat cancer and through it all, music was there.

Like many with...

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Jason Tafler - Neural Solutions for Stronger Resilience - Podcast

May 28, 2021

Jason Tafler almost left us at age 40.

A severe inflammatory disease just about took his life.

Jason used meditation in his healing process to reduce his physical pain.

His experience...

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Podcast: Jillian Michaels - The Catalyst of Challenge

May 25, 2021

Jillian Michaels Bio:

Besides being one of the world’s top fitness experts, Jillian Michaels is an entrepreneur, author, philanthropist and television personality who helped people lose...

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Bloom Your Brain to Live Better, Longer

Apr 21, 2021

Your quality of life in your golden years largely depends on what you’re doing to keep your brain healthy now. 

While most people experience some degree of age-related brain changes,...

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Your Body’s Self-Healing Design

Apr 21, 2021

It’s easy to take for granted what a remarkable “machine” your body is.

But every second of every day, it does incredible things. Cells continually regenerate, your lungs filter...

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