Sound Health

The Absolute Beginners Guide to Sound Healing

Mar 21, 2024

Sound healing is an ancient healing practice that uses sound and music to bring balance and harmony to the body and mind. In this guide, you'll discover how healing with sound can help you relax,...

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Benefits of Vagus Nerve Exercises & 7 Simple Practices

Mar 15, 2024

FAQ on Vagal Nerve Exercises

1. What is the vagal nerve? The vagal nerve, often referred to as the vagus nerve, is the longest cranial nerve that runs from the brainstem to the abdomen, passing...

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5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Vagal Tone

Feb 29, 2024

I talk a lot about the vagus nerve and how it’s one of the most important—and overlooked—keys to whole-body health. Unfortunately, right now, millions of people around the world...

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Seven Tips for Getting Back Into Balance

Jul 25, 2023

Picture a community with an elaborate superhighway system.

One where:

  • Lightning-fast travel is constant.
  • There are exits every few miles to important neighborhoods and businesses that keep the...
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Give Your Body an All-Natural Reset

Apr 01, 2022

If you ignore your computer when it starts acting strange, chances are, something is going to stop working soon.

The same goes for your health—especially your nervous system.

The nervous...

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Give Your Body an All-Natural "Reboot"

Jan 17, 2022

by Jim Donovan, M.Ed.

If you ignore your computer when it starts acting strange, chances are, something is going to stop working soon. The same goes for your health—especially your nervous...

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PODCAST: The Science of Feeling Safe with Polyvagal Theory - Dr. Stephen Porges

Nov 23, 2021

Receive unlimited access to my entire library of vagus nerve stimulation exercises and sound based wellness courses for less than $9/mo! 

 Simply click here to...

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Unusual Ways Sound Can Help You Heal

Sep 13, 2021

Are you willing to try something a little different?

Bear with me here… I’ll explain more in just a moment.

I’d like you to start by placing your palms over your heart. One hand...

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Try These Two Tricks to Ease Screen-Related Eyestrain Fast

Sep 13, 2021

The Hidden Consequence of Living in The Information Age

Today, the average American adult consumes about five times more information than adults 50 years ago. 

Advances in technology have...

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Easy vibration technique relieves migraines in 30 minutes

Dec 23, 2020

If you or a loved one suffer from the relentless, pounding pain of migraines, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that nearly 15 percent of the world’s population gets...

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