Sound Health

Silence Your Racing Thoughts with Brain Tapping

Dec 27, 2023

If racing thoughts get in the way of you and a satisfying night of deep, restorative sleep, I can relate. It used to happen to me every single night.

I’d lie awake as to-do lists,...

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Stimulating the Vagus Nerve for Better Sleep, Stress Relief & Health

Apr 18, 2022

Interacting with a hidden and often overlooked part of your body could hold the key to improving your relationship with sleep and stress.

I’m talking about stimulating the vagus nerve.


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Use Rhythm to Silence Your Anxious Bedtime Brain

Jan 31, 2022

If racing thoughts stand in the way of you and a satisfying night of deep, restorative sleep, I can relate. It used to happen to me every single night.

I’d lie awake as to-do lists,...

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How to Trick Your Brain Into Falling Asleep

Sep 15, 2021

Do you find yourself lying awake at night, unable to fall asleep? Fortunately, there are some tricks you can use to help your brain transition into sleep mode. From mindfulness techniques to...

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The 4-Minute Trick That Makes Bedtime a Breeze

Sep 07, 2021

All over the world, life as we know it has been transformed.

We’re “hunkering down,” adjusting, and are trying to make the best with what we’ve got.

Despite all the...

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3 Easy Strategies for Getting Deep, Rejuvenating Sleep

Apr 02, 2021

It’s no secret that getting consistent, high-quality sleep is essential for our health.

Unfortunately, as we live through a global pandemic, we are all facing a large amount of...

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Use Rhythm to Silence Your Racing Bedtime Brain

Nov 28, 2020


If racing thoughts stand in the way of you and a satisfying night of deep, restorative sleep, I can relate. It used to happen to me every single night.

I’d lie awake as to-do lists,...

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