Sound Health

Quiet Your Racing Thoughts with Music-Based Mindfulness

Dec 30, 2022

Mindfulness is an important tool for promoting mental health and well-being, and integrating music into your practice can help you relax and de-stress. In this article, we’ll explore the...

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Improve This Very Moment by "Pressing Pause"

Sep 02, 2022

 A simple strategy for leading a more meaning life

Even after years of teaching people how to manage stress, I’m not immune to feeling its effects from time to time. 

I still...

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How Simply “Living in the Moment” Adds Years to Your Life

Sep 01, 2022

A Few “Mindful Minutes” a Day Can Transform Your Health

One of my favorite quotes is a Buddhist saying: “The past is gone; the future is not yet here.”

It’s a pretty...

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Simple Steps to Strengthen Your Attention

Dec 14, 2020

In today’s world, we’re constantly flooded with distractions from a constant barrage of emails, 24-hour TV news cycles, and scrolling through social media accounts. All of which can...

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