If you’ve been reading my articles for a while, you’re already pretty familiar with the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS).
But in case you need a...
by Jim Donovan, M.Ed.
If you ignore your computer when it starts acting strange, chances are, something is going to stop working soon. The same goes for your health—especially your nervous...
Are you willing to try something a little different?
Bear with me here… I’ll explain more in just a moment.
I’d like you to start by placing your palms over your heart. One hand...
I believe sound is the most overlooked healing tool in modern medicine… but hopefully not for long.
The good news is, mainstream medicine is finally waking up to the benefits of...
Typically, you’ll reach for a Band-Aid whenever you get a nick, scrape, or cut.
Obviously, a Band-Aid can’t heal your injury—but it can stop the bleeding and protect your...
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